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Everything posted by Rykatuskan

  1. i will buy it if price is 800k
  2. sold?
  3. Wtb 20 cc = 6m8
  4. How old are you and where are you from? 19, VietNam. Why would you like to join Trinity? Improve PvP Skill What is the highest rating you've ever got? 135+ ratting How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now? 717h and play 3-4h everyday What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? Bringing the guild to the top What is your Discord ID? Kary#2870
  6. Update link discord - Join my discord shop and show the pokemon u want to train sorry about the link
  7. https://discord.com/invite/NDdGR4 join discord and We'll make a deal.
  8. Wait for Hunting master reply me, i will call you soon
  9. Bulba's Daycare Shop - Join Discord to connect WELCOME TO MY DAYCARE SHOP! Contact us Ingame: Rykatuskan Discord: Kary#2870 Tag me in Discord PRO Bulba Daycare discord: https://discord.gg/nJjfJwx Upgrade capacity ( My shop has a lots of Worker) Level: 15 pokemon/day Evs: 15 pokemon/day The price for fast train: +5.000 to +10.000 poke$ -[ LEVELLING SERVICE ]- level 1 to 97 [spoiler=lvl service] Sweep pokemon (Riolu, charmender, timburr,...) :35k poke$ Sweep pokemon evol 2 (Charmeleon, Pupitar,...): 40k poke$ Sweep pokemon evol 3 (Charizard, Beedrill,...): 45k poke$ Tank pokemon (Cleffa, Bulbasaur, Squirtle,...): 40k poke$ Tank pokemon evol 2 ( Tentacruel, Steelix, Milotic,...): 45k poke$ Tank pokemon evol 3 (Venusaur, Empoleon, Reuniclus,...): 50k poke$ Quagsire, Klefki, Wobuffet: 60k poke$ Chansey, Happiny: 100k poke$ -[ EVS SERVICE ]- [spoiler=Evs Service] Sweep pokemon: 40k poke$ Tank pokemon: 45k poke$ Hard to train pokemon: 50k poke$ -[ HUNTING SERVICE ]- [spoiler=Hunting Service] The price depends on your request The seller will tell you the price when you make the request Staff Rykatuskan - Lvl Master Bug Master - Lvl Master Lnttr2720 - EV Master Dokoda - Lvl Master -[ MORE INFOS ]- You can contact us in-game, under this thread or rather on our discord server - https://discord.gg/NDdGR4.
  10. Wtb h.a gligar or evol, careful 25+ in speed spdef def hp Atk 15+
  11. PM me in-game or find me on discord PRO: KAN#2870 S.O: 500k Min Bid: 50k Insta: 3m +3min for last bid Payments Accepted Include Pokedollars and CC which equal 350k per. Auction will start after the first bid! And end in 1 days! Rule: Fake offers will be reported!
  12. How about Conkeldurr or Scolipede?
  13. Wtb Hippopotas epic impish Pm me in game or cmt in here
  14. PM me in-game or find me on discord PRO: KAN#2870 S.O: 1m5 Min Bid: 100k Insta: 7m Payments Accepted Include Pokedollars and CC which equal 350k per. Auction will start after the first bid! And end in 3 days! Rule: Fake offers will be reported!
  15. Close sell
  16. Bump for edit the price
  17. Rule: Fake offers will be reported! PM me in-game or find me on discord PRO: KAN#2870 1. S.O: 300k Min Bid: 50k Insta: 1m Auction will start after the first bid! And end in 1 days! Best of luck to everyone competing.
  18. wtb flame orb - 50k - pm me in forum or ingame
  19. Bump
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