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Everything posted by Kenzothepug

  1. Hello I want to sell my epic Alakazam. Ability : Magic Guard. HP : Rock Auction rules : 48 hours after 1st Bid Start : 500K Min bid : 50K Insta : No insta
  2. The shop is an update, many transactions online. Back soon.
  3. Salut l'équipe, voici les informations me concernant : Pseudo et Tag Discord : Edouard Philippe#6422 Âge : 25 (mais je commence déjà à avoir des cheveux blancs) Quelques mots sur vous : 25 ans, bientôt 26. Jeune professeur des écoles, je m'intéresse aux sciences de l'éducation, au développement cognitif de l'enfant. Ma passion : La musculation (pas pour faire le kéké des plages), mais pour repousser mes limites. J'ai aussi d'autres passions comme : l'investissement et la cryptomonnaie, les voitures etc etc. Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : J'adore farmer. Mais ... La suite est la création d'une stall team (plus qu'à repel Chansey dans le safari) Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? : Me choisir c'est comme choisir SpaceX, je vais vous envoyer sur une autre planète (le problème c'est qu'on sait pas quand).
  4. Hello everyone, I am back with a new supermarket. Rules : 1° All prices are fixed 2° The payment solutions are : - Cash - Capsule Coin as 400K - Iv reroll as 780K - Nature reroll as 350K - Rare candy as 8K 3° To buy : Message me here or PM me in game : Kenzothepug. Untrained section : Azumarill 90K Azumarill 150K Bagon 30K Bagon 30K Chansey 31 Def (good for bosses : "how to defeat every bosses on hard mode") 20K Cottonee (Sun Team) 150K SOLD Cottonee (Sun Team) 50K Duskull 90K Flaffy 50K (Mega Ampharos) Growlithe 20K Heracross 150K (Mega Heracross) Horsea 80K Koffing 31 Def 110K Lapras 30K Lapras 130K Lapras 150K Machop 20K Machop 15K Machop 30K Machop 20K Machop 30K Machop 30K Machop H.A 30K Magneti 20K Magneti 110K Mareep 30K (Mega Ampharos) Mareep 70K (Mega Ampharos) Mareep for Bosses 50K Mantine 80K Mawile 30K Mawile 40K Porygon 110K Rotom HP Fire 110K Seedot 60K Shuppet 40K Squirtle 60K Swablu 31 speed 110K Swinub 20K Swinub 40K Swinub 90K Swinub 31 Speed 100K Tentacool 80K Trained section : Clamperl 130K (good for Huntail) Cofagrigus 290K Cubone 130K Kingdra 220K Nidoking H.A 250K Sharpedo 220K Swampert 140K
  5. I don’t ask for old players to stop to play. But that’s a bid boring : They are in this game like Elon Musk... And I’m a big fan of Elon ^^. But that they have a control of the game, sometime with some disrespect. I hate people who PM me with million dollars like « Give me I can pay million. » Please no... You know, in real life I have money... But it don’t make me disrespectfull. So, how can you lost your respect for virtual money ? I swear, some people are not friendly : Nothing like « Hello » just « Gimme I can pay slurp slurp » But no problem ^^ I’m only here to have fun. I keep my try hard brain for another game. I just dream about a PRO with more fun for all players : PVP / Hunter / Story
  6. For example : Today while I was on repels session with my low budget : Spend 150K on repels while I had 300K. I got a Shiny Togepi. I was excited cause I only have Nidoran and Rattata from Joey. So I linked the Togepi on « All » chat, not « Trade »... 4-5 people in my DM : « How much ? » « Can buy for one million. » Because they have the power of the money.
  7. Not 100% true ... Old players destroy the economy. They can buy what they want with millions : shinies, best ivs, forms... If you are a new player and you want to create your team for PVP : it will broke your time. The best way is to buy Capsule Coin with real money (and that a fact, a lot of new players do this.) I play since the last years. I really don’t care about PVP... I have a job who take me a lot of time. I have like 100K pokedollars. I take my pleasure on hunting session, and I admit that is not fun to hunt special form : 0.18% ... I’m not an expert in Maths, but it’s really really low. So : Yes for certain people it can be a pay to win. and I hope you will take a pleasure in another game.
  8. Hello, want to buy this. Pm me ingame : Kenzothepug
  9. 3CC + 500K.
  10. wtb 150K Shroomish + 60K Heracross please
  11. Hello. I can pay the 5 million (insta). The problem is..: I'm not home today: I'm graduating to be a teacher. The diploma starts at 9 am (French time) and ends at 1 pm (French time). (I can’t follow the auction cause of diploma) After the diploma I have to go home = I have to drive for about 2 hours. I have a lot of things to do on Pokémon: - The bosses are open - Sell my capsules - Sell some monsters. If you agree, I can collect the 5 million when I get back and take the Pokémon at the end of the day (before midnight, I'll do it). If you mind, I'll let you get on with the auction
  12. Insta :D
  13. 1.2 Pelipper
  14. start carvanha
  15. Start Pelipper
  16. Im online now if you want.
  17. Edit, I took offer to late --' (GMT 0.00 is hard when it's not your hour coutry) @Exclusivez you won it. Sorry for the mistake.
  18. Mawile Jolly insta by vior01 Ty all. (We texted a lot but the first message from the buyer is "insta") Thank you all, take care of you.
  19. Hello my dear :) Start for 24 hours. I use the GMT 0.00 (forum hours) Good luck.
  20. 900K Online // End in 35 min
  21. Whim' is for you my dear :D
  22. Hello my dear, all are in gold section :) 1hour25 left for Whim' GL ALL
  23. Yup, you can decrease the S.O. It was not started yet, so you can do it.
  24. 800K Digg' online. Insta reduced for 2 Mawile.
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