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Everything posted by Hanine

  1. hello,, no precision is made on the fact if you accept the cc/rr ..... I offer 5m
  2. sold ,
  3. @OtCCaveMan you won the auction, plz tell me on which serv are you, and when you would be available, thanks.
  4. bump
  5. Hello everyone; Today, an auction for this Diggersby Adamant. This is a CROSS SERVER AUCTION: As a seller, I'll be available to trade this pokemon in BOTH servers ; Silver and Gold. Players from both servers can bid without any fee. This pokemon is actually in the Gold Server but I can transfer if needed ! S.O. (Start Offer) : 4M (4000k) pokedollars Insta : 6m Minimum Bid: 200k Duration : 2 days after the start (48 hours) Available Payements : Pokedollars - Capsule Coins (380k) - Reroll Tickets (700k) B.O. (best offer): -- 4m : OtCCaveMan Ending Time: --
  6. 1m3
  7. 1m1
  8. 800k
  9. 300k
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