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Everything posted by Dani4123

  1. 1st alo-maro auction ended winner is Sns44 2nd alo-maro 1hr 23mins left
  2. 1st co. 600k around 2hrs left
  3. Grass: Treecko Fire: Chimchar Water: Froakie
  4. There's already a timer attached to both maro u can check 2nd maro around 1day 1hr 6mins
  5. Bump
  6. 1st maro co. 500k by poppachav
  7. 2nd alo-maro also started glhf
  8. Noted 1st maro started 72hrs left glhf
  9. .
  10. Start
  11. Real king of cobras
  12. It's not a bug there are total 11spots u need 3clues aswell as answers for those 3 questions, spots r same for everyone but clues r random so just because someone else got their answers and clues from 10spots doesn't mean it will be same for u i faced the same prob and i got my last clue from 11th spot hope it helps u
  13. 850k squirtle
  14. 650k wartortle
  15. 400k wartortle
  16. Start wartortle
  17. Both trade done
  18. Im online rn same ign
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