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Everything posted by Agree

  1. Start offer : 2m Min bid : 100k Insta : 2.5m Auction last for 24 hours after the first bid Accepted Payments Pokedollar Coin Capsule 400k
  2. Insta : 25 m Based in silver cc transfer fee to gold Accepted Payments Pokedollar Coin Capsule 400k Contact Details Discord : Agree#4078
  3. You can contact me through discord /pm
  4. In my opinion to differentiate between cross server and gold/silver trade the seller should be the one responsible for transferring. This might seem unfair for the seller since they have to be the one transferring and therefore they should be allowed to charge 1cc for the transfer fee. So in short ; Seller must transfer but they are allowed to charge one cc to the buyer
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