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Everything posted by Madhavxdark

  1. +1
  2. Mine 10k Rc 6 k each Auction time 24 hr Same time auction over tamrow Insta be later Fake offer reported
  3. Auction over no bid closed
  4. If u dint get 500 k pm me :)
  5. Ok np
  6. I accept Cc 400k Rerol 700k Rc 7 k each Fake offer reported Mine 40k Time 24 hr end tamrow Insta - 700k
  7. Hmm can u do so 300k
  8. When u will online
  9. Is bearstric sold if it's not sold I want
  10. Plz I hope u will give good offer I accept Cc=400k Rerol iv 700k Nature rerol 350k
  11. Hi I have three poke to sell u are free to offer me if I like your offer I will sell hope u like my poke
  12. I don't know why IAM not able to send pic
  13. Azurmil sold 200 k by legendkarn11
  14. Some more poke added free to offer
  15. Hi Iam selling one more pole azurmil pvp ready free to offfer if I like I will sell :)
  16. Tell me your offer if I like I will sell u
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