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Everything posted by Madhavxdark

  1. Can u do chancey 350k. :)
  2. I accept cc too
  3. IAM also faceing same problem always connection lost when I do pvp or catching poke plz give a sollution
  4. Yes my game start
  5. Is djdj your game start
  6. No mine is also not start yet
  7. Is game start
  8. Hi guys today IAM sharing one poke infront of u if u like plz offer I will tell u if I like offer :) I accept rc 7 k each
  9. Madhavxdark
  10. Yes wait nobody know how much time it will take
  11. Bro be patient I think the pro is still in maintance so wait but u can download latest version now
  12. Plz tell I download a new version but when I login it’s not login what is your status
  13. It's men nobody is playing right now
  14. Oh it's mean nobody can play now
  15. It's not login
  16. IAM not able to play game
  17. Is we now able to play game
  18. Hi can u tell me how to download new version pro
  19. Can be closed I will send pic when alikhan online
  20. Auction over alikhan 111 won tell me when u come online
  21. Co by Alikhan111. 70k mine 10 k
  22. Co nakshthegreat 60 k mine 10 k
  23. CO by weavile 50k mine 10 k 7hr left
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