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Pkmtrainernavy's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. We need a system that seperates PVP mons against other mons. Like in the Pokemon Games.
  2. Are you looking for a weather team? Or just overall balance
  3. Nickname: Pkmtrainernavy I love pokemon because throughout my childhood it's given me a place to be free of all my real world problems, and during my parents divorce it gave me a place to be myself, and for that I owe nintendo and gamefreak everything. It's an amazing game that no matter how old you are you can keep coming back and reliving your childhood memories all over again. I owe Pokemon everything.
  4. Sorry, I haven't been home for the past few weeks but would still like to register.
  5. Since I've never used IMGUR before, I selected a few pokemon and it uploaded the wrong ones. I checked a couple days later and I was wondering If I could change
  6. Hey, I have a quick question. While registering for the tournament I accidentally chose two of the wrong pokemon for my 15 team roster selection. As the tournament is yet to begin am I able to change the select two pokemon?
  7. Am I able to change a poke before torny starts? I chose the wrong pokemon XD
  8. No Fatman, please don't join :c You're the best pvp'er i've ever known XD
  9. Hey i'd like to join~! hmu in game "Pkmtrainernavy"
  10. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Sweet, it's going to be a lit giveaway~!<br/> <br/> --Blue</t>
  11. 1. What is your in-game name and current hours of play? pkmtrainernavy 650+ hours 2. Why do you want to join Wings Of Destiny? A few of my guildmates moved here, and I'd like to join as well. 3. How many badges do you have on blue server? All of them <3 4. Do you/can you use discord? Yes I can. 5. What led you to play PRO? My love to catch them all 6. Do you meet all of the requirements as listed on the first page of the thread? I sure do. 7. Why should we want you in the guild? I'm inspired, dedicated, and a good listener. I've been on the server for as long as it came out. 8. Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username? byf11, sigmundz, sartre P.S I've just completed my term finals, and was absent for an obscenely long period. I'd wish to rejoin... Please~!
  12. So... I lose 2 days of MS, miss the chance to catch pokes for the tournament, and my vacation is ending soon. Can Blue please be rebooted?
  13. Wait, but wasn't the last Blue Server reset 2 days ago for the updates?
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