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Everything posted by Richardfoxxvn

  1. hi wtb this. ign richardfoxxvn. discord richardfd#0230
  2. hi wtb these. ign richardfoxxvn. discord richardfd#0230
  3. hi. wtb these. ign Richardfoxxvn, discord richardfd#0230
  4. hi. wtb these. My ign richardfoxxvn, discord richardfd#0230
  5. hi wtb this. My discord richardfd#0230
  6. Congrats! You won, please contact my discord or ingame as soon as you're online.
  7. Sr it's over bro. But thank you for your attention.
  8. noticed. thank for biding
  9. C.o 900k: Alikhan111 Min bid 100k End in 48h since this posted. No insta *Bid here/ discord: richardfd#0230 / ingame: richardfoxxvn. Thank you.
  10. Try to clean out boxes which devine into few catergories: - Decent PvP ready. - Budget PvP ready (got them when I was newbie and now have better replacements). - PvE (Bosses/Story). - Untrained. - Giveaway (High lvl Pokes to help those under 150hours to get through story). * Notes: Fell free to offers. Contacts: this post - Discord: richardfd#0230 - IGN: richardfoxxvn. 1. UNTRAINED
  11. Hi. I would like to borrow scizor for mega quest. My discord is richardfd#0230, ign richardfoxxvn. Hope to hear you soon.
  12. Yeah I have the same trouble too
  13. Hey I wanna buy this. Ign: richardfoxxvn
  14. Wtb these, IGN: Richardfoxxvn
  15. wtb these guys. IGN: Richardfoxxvn
  16. wtb this guy. IGN: Richardfoxxvn
  17. wtb timid magnet pull magnezone 150k plz. My IG: Richardfoxxvn
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