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Everything posted by Arlington

  1. Nice guide , but 1 note , you can't check every threats in the game , period .
  2. Arlington

    Balance Team

    it doesn't , tentacruel switch in ludicolo + politoed combo all day, even floatzel and scare them out with sludge bomb , the biggest counter to this team is bisharp , i've won 10 games so far at 239 rating , the only problem i had is bisharp well you've obviously not faced a kabutops/omastar yet and tenta has no solid recovery so it can't check them forever also politoed doesn't care much about tenta unless you run giga drain Maybe , thanks for remind me those threats .
  3. Arlington

    Balance Team

    it doesn't , tentacruel switch in ludicolo + politoed combo all day, even floatzel and scare them out with sludge bomb , the biggest counter to this team is bisharp , i've won 10 games so far at 239 rating , the only problem i had is bisharp
  4. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.97_2 <t>Bisharp deserve to be S Rank , too good</t>
  5. since you're lacking damage i'd suggest choice band talonflame , choice specs or life orb mew
  6. WTS this lucario = 450k instant ,SOld 350k to Thinhbui. Thanks also some hp fire magnemite CLOSED
  7. Arlington

    Team PvP

    If ppl can do it , you can do it too bro , no excuses
  8. Arlington

    My PvP Team ^^

    1.No sub in the game yet 2. Blissey/Chansey own this team 3. Lack of physical attacker / choice users .
  9. Arlington

    Balance Team

    maybe , i'll try that :D , ty for suggestion
  10. Arlington

    Balance Team

    I'd like to introduce a decent balance team and i'd love to receive opinions from everyone . This is not my team tho just my thought about balance team . So here it is . Krookodile @ Leftovers Ability : Intimidate EV : 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spdef Impish Nature - Taunt - Earthquake - Steath Rock - Knock Off This set of Krookodile is to stop Life Orb max Damage Excadrill in the sand , he can take 3 hits while 1 HKO excadrill and even 2 HKO Tyranitar with 0 investment in Atk . With intimidate and decent bulk , he can take some physical hit , setting rock if possible . Taunt is there to prevent Ferrothorn , donphan , Skarmory from setting hazards since krookodile is fast naturally . Knock off , great stab move , knock the item out of something is always good . Earthquake is another powerful STAB to use . Tentacruel @ Black Sludge Ability : Liquid Ooze EV : 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Speed Bold Nature - Scald - Rapid Spin - Toxic Spikes / Haze - Sludge Bomb / Acid Spray This thing job is to spin away hazards , it's fast naturally , decent bulk , make it a decent spinner . Can check Togekiss , Azumarill , Ludicolo Life Orb , Talonflame , Fighting type that don't have eq , etc . I also pick this since it can cover krookodile weakness pretty well . Talonflame @ Choice Band Ability : Gale Wings EV : 252 Atk / 94 HP / 164 Speed Jolly Nature - U-turn - Flare Blitz - Gale Wings - Tailwind The spread gives enough speed to outspeed choice scarf magnezone (assume both magnezone and talon havs max speed iv) and outspeed almost everything to freely use both flare blitz and gale wings , not just rely on the gale wings ability . U-turn to gain momentum , Tailwind is there to help the rest of the team when talon is below 10% and can't do anything else . The reason why i pick talonflame is that it's pretty broken atm and we have a spinner in the team so it's ok to use talonflame . Scizor @ Life Orb Ability : Technician EV : 94 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Speed Adamant Nature - Superpower - Bullet Punch - Bug Bite - Sword Dance/Knock Off/U-turn This EV gives you the ability to Superpower kill choice specs timid magnezone that wants to trap you , Outspeed base 85 . Life Orb to revenge kill Togekiss , Clefable .. deal with faries . Bug bite boosted by technician can 1HKO things like vaporeon after 1 SD , 1HKO tyranitar or ludicolo .. etc .Sword Dance in case you caught your opponent off guard then sweep their entire team . Almost perfect typing , deal a lot of damage , great pokemon to pick . Magnezone @ Choice Scarf Ability : Magnet Pull EV : 252 Spatk / 252 Speed / 6 Spdef Timid Nature - Volt Switch - Thunderbolt - Flash Canon - Hidden Power (Fire) Pretty straight foward set , steel trapper , kills steel type like skarmory , ferrothorn , scizor ... Can also deal with Togekiss (not the scarf 1) . Choice scarf is to outspeed the max speed scizor that can kill you first and outspeed anything that below 360 speed . Volt Switch to gain momentum , Flash Canon powerful STAB , Thunderbolt is another powerful STAB . Nothing much to say about this set , pretty clear about its job . One last pokemon is up to you . And sorry for my bad english .
  11. You need a fast sweeper
  12. Arlington

    my first team

    With sassy nature , 252 HP and 252 Spdef yes , you can live a focus blast from gengar with max spatk . But not if he crit you
  13. i feel bad for you , almost a perfect dragalge . I would say it depends on your team to use it . I can be either bulky toxic spikes setter or a bulky special attacker . For bulky special attacker (28 speed ev (to outspeed base 50) / 252 hp (to be as bulky as possible ) / the rest on spatk (to hit as hard as possible with AA)) : Item : Choice Specs Moveset: Draco Meteor (Very Strong STAB , but reduce your spatk everytime you use it) Dragon Pulse (Decent STAB , to kill things and still be able to stay in the next turn no worry about the spatk drop) Sludge Wave (why sludge wave over sludge bomb ? To hit bullet proof ) Scald / Focus Blast (Your choice) For toxic spikes setter : (252 hp / 252 spatk and 6 def) Item : Black Sludge Moveset: Draco Meteor (STAB) Toxic Spikes (Hazard) Scald (To maybe burn something , hit something that resist both dragon/poison stab (Steel for instance) ) Sludge Bomb (STAB , to poison something )
  14. Don't use flygon !!! But if you do then Earthquake : powerful STAB , no reason why not . U-turn : so you can gain momentum . Dragon Claw : Realiable STAB . Outrage : Powerful STAB to spam in late game , especially when faries are dead .
  15. Arlington

    my first team

    Some personal opinions : Tyranitar : i don't really like the idea of using sassy since you have 4 attacking moves on it (AV is much much better , period !) , it should be relaxed , or adamant . By the way i've calculated the damage , unless you build full spatk tyranitar , otherwise it's not worth it because his atk is much much better . Starmie : Don't use lum on starmie , he got natural cure , it's a waste to give him a lum berry , if it's your main special sweeper , give it life orb . Excadrill : I can see that you fear of getting stted , but once again this thing is a combo with tyranitar to deal as much damage as possible in the sand , so life orb is prefered . And the only status that can really annoy you is Burn , and in the sand , there's litterally nothing faster than you , accept prankster like sableye . Last thing , i see that you don't want to have his powerful STAB iron head ...... Metagross: I have never used this before so i can't tell , but as i see your team , you should make this guy a steath rock setter , so that you can guarantee to KO something that not resist excadrill STABs . Don't really need earthquake on him tho . Gliscor : You use lefty on him , so no Acrobatics , get rid of that . This is also a waste on gliscor , because he's fast , he can taunt to stop most hazard setters , accept pranksters . No reason to give him sword dance since you already have 4 attackers , 1 powerful special sweeper and 1 deadly combo , 1 bulky sweeper . I'd say give this thing Roost , taunt , Eq , Knock Off . Venusaur : Nothing to say about this , but i don't think he's a good choice . Roserade is faster and has access to toxic spikes , Aromatherapy ( which can solve your fear of status ) , Higher spdef , higher spatk . But 1 minus point that it doesn't have leech seed . And i think personally , if this is me , i'll use Leech seed , Synthesis , Sludge bomb , Sleep powder , synthesis for a reliable healing (since this is a tank) , sludge bomb is there for faires (Since you have 0 super effective move for faries) , leech seed for being annoying , sleep powder to put something to sleep and it's always good to put something into sleep . Conclusion : Terrible weakness to ground , choice scarf garchomp will sweep this team once gliscor is out (which is very common) . No hazard setter (which is bad because hazard is important) . No spinner/defogger (which is bad too because they can set up a bunch of hazards on you) . No scarfer (once tyranitar is dead , and they have a talonflame / scarf gengar / life orb weavile / things like these. You'll get swept) . No life orb , choice band (No guarantee kills unless it's super effective x4 ) . Kinda talon-weakness team (once tyranitar is out , you're in trouble ), very weak too azumarill , the only thing that want to take a hit from azumarill is venusaur . There are many more but i don't have time to point them out ... These a MY BASIC OPINIONS on your team . Feel free to share your thoughts back . In case you don't know (There're 2 useful tools i usually use ) : Team builder (To check weakness , STABs moves of your team) https://www.teammagma.net/teambuilder/ Type Coverage Checker (To check your moveset coverage and pick your moves wisely) https://pokemondb.net/tools/type-coverage Good luck !
  16. Deino Insta 300k , corphish 80k . thanks Deino sold to Drunkm 170k Corphish sold to Devilstar 50k Closed now !
  17. First of all i'm sorry if i posted this in a wrong section . Anyway i want to buy johto dex data ( a lot ) , pm me in game or leave a comment here thanks
  18. Ok so let's get straight to the point , i want to sell these pokemons in 24 hours , increment atleast 50k , the last person with highest price win . There's instant price too if you don't want to wait . If you want to discuss anything just post in the comment section . Thank you . Not selling anymore , give it to my friend sr . SOLD to linhlinhlung c.o: none insta: 400k c.o: none SOLD to longlakenby
  19. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <r><QUOTE author="LegendaryVin" post_id="382565" time="1494075223" user_id="1540399"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> ty , now i can leave the game .</r>
  20. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <r><QUOTE author="Laertes" post_id="382550" time="1494072342" user_id="656173"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> what does this mean ? sorry i can't get the idea in his message</r>
  21. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <t>well , after this update , this isn't PRO anymore , it's literally a shitshow , i'm very sorry . I'm out bye</t>
  22. Re: Please dont put coins to change ivs <t>Can any1 confirm this ? i just came back after 1 year and i don't want to waste my time if there's something like " ivs reroll " will happen in the near future . Because once that thing is introduced , i'll delete this game , and throw it into my garbage can . Ty</t>
  23. Re: WTS God Duskull ivs 3x30+ 1 Day Left <t>500k by me</t>
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