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Everything posted by Arlington

  1. Re: TalonGOD <r><QUOTE author="ortikidion" post_id="401918" time="1498335124" user_id="955697"><s> </e></QUOTE> only cash</r>
  2. TalonGOD <r>Offer here , there're insta price too if you don't want to wait . Max 2 days auction . Thanks . For the talonflame , just tell me your offer , if it's not good enough i can refuse it . ONLY CASH ty<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/ba08a7c37ed290145b32a4cf84309229.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> SOLD<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/e80b284af0349d9905750b87971fb4d3.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <COLOR color="#00BF00"><s></s>HP Grass<e></e></COLOR> rain team<br/> Insta 300k , offer : none <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/fe273f3e1822f002da48f579da9974a6.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> SOLD</r>
  3. Ok, finaly you got it^^ I´ll try to pm you ingame, would be nice if you try the same or send me a pm here in forum with a time you are online :D i'm onl rn
  4. This is a team that wi'll get swept by banded talonflame once azumarill is 70% health , to make a good team , you have to check for the most dangerous threats first .
  5. Re: EPIC HP Fire magnezone , Tech Breloom , Scizor <t>SOLD to WHatdesu 2m5 , ty all</t>
  6. Re: EPIC HP Fire magnezone , Tech Breloom , Scizor <t>highest bid Whatdesu 2m3 , prob close in the next 12 hours if nothing else.</t>
  7. Drop the bid for infernape
  8. Re: EPIC HP Fire magnezone , Tech Breloom , Scizor <r><QUOTE author="arlington" post_id="400362" time="1498014655" user_id="619377"><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  9. nvm i found a way to fix it , can be close as solved
  10. WTB Jolly Aerodactyl max speed + hp , post your price here or pm me , thanks
  11. I need some help , some ppl can see my images and some can't . I don't know how to deal with this , tried imgur and gyazo , is there any other way to fix this ? Here's the link to my topic : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=167&t=69482
  12. You can offer here , maximum 2 days auction , i can end it whenever i feel pleased with the bid , or refuse if the bid isn't good enough . Thanks SOLD 2m5 to WHatdesu IT'S H.P FIRE canceled SOLD 1m Please CLOSE as SOLD
  13. For witch Infernape the h.a one? Or mixed one? h.a
  14. well then 400k jolly gligar
  15. nvm i drop due to 24h reset every new bid
  16. Jolly Gligar 200k
  17. Re: Talon, Crawdaunt , Hippopotas <t>SOLD OUT !!</t>
  18. Re: Talon, Crawdaunt , Hippopotas <r><QUOTE author="vinanghia" post_id="399784" time="1497877289" user_id="1614014"><s> </e></QUOTE> oki sir</r>
  19. Re: Talon, Crawdaunt , Hippopotas <r><QUOTE author="jannythegreat" post_id="399759" time="1497873191" user_id="1543196"><s> </e></QUOTE> what do you mean bro</r>
  20. Not much to say , post your offer here . Maximum 2 days auction . The highest wins . SOLD 900k SOLD 2m2
  21. this lacks a way to hazards which would just ruin your day also not really a fan of cosmic+stored power, i believe the latter isn't correctly coded but i might be wrong and once chomp dies you have Nothing to counter togekiss as i said i don't think it's a good team , made it in 1 min tho
  22. Go ahead and try this , don't think it's a good team but a good start . Amoongus @ Black Sludge Moveset: -Spore -Sludge Bomb -Giga Drain -Clear Smog/Stun Spore Milotic @ Leftovers Moveset: -Dragon Tail - Rest - Scald -Sleep Talk Azumarill @ Choice Band / Assault Vest Moveset: -Play Rough -Aqua Jet -Waterfall -Superpower Garchomp @ Choice Scarf Moveset: -Dragon Claw -Outrage -Earthquake -Stone Edge Chandelure @ Choice Specs Moveset: -Shadow Ball -Energy Ball -Fire Blast -Dark Pulse Clefable @ leftovers Moveset: -Cosmic Power -Stored Power -Softboiled -Moon Blast/Flamethrower/Thunderbolt
  23. then these might help https://www.smogon.com/smog/issue28/teambuilding https://www.smogon.com/articles/hyper-offense-in-ou https://www.smogon.com/smog/issue21/defense
  24. the only way to build a good team is to pick and play with them yourself , then you'll learn .
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