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Everything posted by Arlington

  1. oh now L M F A O is a bad word
  2. PRO Username: arlington Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? i was playing normally , 1 more turn and i can finish magmotar , naeros last pokemon , the server disconnected . Now i have to wait 2 weeks for egg moves ? good stuff What have you already tried to solve the problem? how can i even solve it ? Description and Message
  3. Your in-game name: Arlington Hours played: 276 hours Badges: 16 Time-Zone: UTC +07:00
  4. route 13, 14, 15 can meet scyther . route 22 , 38 can meet shroomish
  5. Re: Equivalent Exchange - Epic Competitive, Shinies, and all Synchronize Natus <t>wtb careful synch 15k ( i need it fast so i bought from ig trader )</t>
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