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About Blazingmaster

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  1. Hey I can not able to log in silver server in was showing loving and it disapert help me please
  2. Game name is Blazingmaster Favorite poke Mew Payed hr60 I have a old account but it was banned so I have created a new one but I have good knowledge about pokes Discordo name Flameheated#3143 So please add me ^_^
  3. .
  4. O Hello Hello, I w Hello, My answer of the first question is I have started my first account in gold server and one have shame me of my own guild and it was banned so I have started a new account in silver server I have head This guild players r good then other frienday, etc so I like to join your guild.my English is little bad but I speak enough My game name is @BLAZINGMASTER and real name is raj my age is 16 My country is India and I speak hindi Hello I will give answer of 1st questions I last so let me start fromy 2nd Real name=Raj Game name=Blazingmaster 3rd I'm 16 year old 4th I'm from India I speak Hindi English both 5th Discord name is Blazingmaster#3143 I'm 24hr online^_^ 6th Amm I will complete story then hunt epics then Pvp I have a lot of interest on pvp and it's items 7th I'm my phone sending photo option is not sowing but 2region champion preparing for 3rd 34hr played time I like to be social and friendly to other and my 1st quest answer is I was in a guild In my 1st account my own guild mate have scam me and I was banned in gold server and I have started a new one silver I have head that this guild members are Kind,friendly,social and always help to other like A member of your guild name is Promise12 he have given me 4 Pvp poke like that to be e4 no one have given me because lending trade is disable so I try my best and have completed the 2region to join your guild in 3 and half days so please join me in your
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