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Everything posted by Leeluckya

  1. end in 3/5 22:45:00 GMT+8
  2. start bid 50k end 4hours after the 1st bid minimum bid 20k insta 1.5m accept cc 380k
  3. Niuniu second win niuniu 400k
  4. first end time 3/4 22:23:00 GMT+8
  5. two start second end time 3/4 22:15:42 GMT+8
  6. first second start bid 50k end 12hours after the 1st bid minimum bid 20k insta 1m accept cc 380k For example : first+price second+price
  7. I forgot about the screenshot, but the deal was done
  8. aegislash ezzyy22 win 700k
  9. @Manbat I hope someone can help me close this deal, because my buyer always keeps me waiting
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