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Everything posted by Leeluckya

  1. I just found out about it ty bro
  2. aerodactyl freakazord win!
  3. This is the first time this has happened ,I gave feedback at the reporting center, but it seemed that no one could help me
  4. i cant find buyer in the game.cant trade with him.any one staff who can help me make this deal? I haven't had a rest for a long time because I have to wait for him
  5. aprince win charizard 500k
  6. start aegislash 48 hours left. end in 3/1 0:26:00 GMT+8
  7. start aerodactyl 48 hours left. end in 2/28 10:47:32 GMT+8
  8. 5m sold 700k sold start bid 500k end 48hours after the 1st bid minimum bid 100k insta 6m accept cc 380k Please mark the name of Pokemon when bidding
  9. clefable win apocalypse
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