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About Twadmert

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  1. wtb 10 metal coat 10 fire gem 10 steel gem for chespin baby lugia in game name twadmert
  2. Find him right here sorry guys you can close...
  3. I have same problem with this friend. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/185568-cant-start-baby-lugia-quest/ I have to get inside I tried everything you said on this thread. Nothing happen. Ingame ID twadmert silver server.
  4. he lend me lots of poke for dex service and it was really cheap. you can trust him. Thanks a lot
  5. wtb ingame twadmert I'll go to sleeping right now because it is now 4 am in the morning
  6. I see didn't notice that ty
  7. +26 galva 151k I think
  8. I need pokemons under below. ingame ID twadmert 152-153-154 159 185 186 196 205 206 211 229 241
  9. check the bidding prize! changed it.
  10. We will start with 1m Minimum raise 100k No insta I will add timer link with edit after first bid. 48 hours will be enough no other rules. Just submit your reply I'm not gonna take any other bid from pm etc. I can take payment as pokedolar and also Coin Capsule = 350k Reroll Ticket = 500k
  11. We will start with 500k Minimum raise 50k No insta I will add timer link with edit after first bid. 48 hours will be enough no other rules. Just submit your reply I'm not gonna take any other bid from pm etc. I can take payment as pokedolar and also Coin Capsule = 350k Reroll Ticket = 500k
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