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Everything posted by Alcoholic

  1. Discord: Ry#3936 Pm me in game: Alcoholic
  2. Added, please respond
  3. Auction ended - @xDarkShadowBR wins Rotom-Wash for 1.1m - let me know when you're around so I can trade to you.
  4. Auction ends in 54 mins!
  5. Start 5k on all of them
  6. I have one, message me in game
  7. C.O. 1.1m Rotom-Wash - auction ends in 13 hours!
  8. Hey there, you should consider applying to Trinity. We are a PvP focused guild and require at least 100 rating to apply! If you think you'd be a good fit we have a really great community.
  9. While thousands of new players may not be optimal, we definitely need some sort of advertisement move to attract new players. The question is "how do we attract the right amount of new players?". We can't just rely on a new player here and there while one or two others quit. We need a metaphorical "shot in the arm" of new blood into the servers. Thoughts?
  10. Buying Naive H.A. Garchomp - let me know what you got Discord: Ry#3936
  11. It may not be dying, however it's a really low population game. I'd support some form of advertising whether it be on twitch or some other form of outreach to a pokemon community. It could definitely use a few hundred more players on each server.
  12. I feel like there should be some form of advertising for PRO. Imagine asking a big name streamer to check out the game and pay them to play for a couple hours? The amount of people playing would spike immensely. It's such a low key game.
  13. sold for insta to jetfire
  14. C.O. FrostyjoeReborn - 500k - time ends at 2:23AM EST!
  15. 1.1m to xdarkshadowbr sold Tangrowth (No Auction) H.P Fire = 2.7m
  16. Roger that - ends tomorrow at 2:32am EST. Thanks!
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