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Everything posted by Chaosknigth

  1. bump End on 9 mins.
  2. C.o Doublade 750k 18 hours left.
  3. Time left aprox 47-48 hours. Thnks.
  4. Rules: 1. The minimum bids are 50k. 2. If offers, you can not cancel said. 3. False offers will be reported. 4. The duration time will be 48 hours, from when someone makes the Start price. Start 100k / Instant 450k.
  5. Yes, now online. Where are u? Thnks for ur purchase. ♥
  6. Esta sección es para gente en compra / venta de Pokemon en Silver, debes ir a la otra para poder vender. Lastimosamente no tengo muchos en Gold, pero en cuanto consiga te regalaré uno, déjame tu Discord. Suerte.
  7. Thnks for ur purchase. Hace a nice day Leader.
  8. Yes, 650k instant. Auction end of 41 hours.
  9. @SideEffect, Thanks for your purchase, success in the game. I will proceed to remove the Pokemon from the store.
  10. 350k c.o now. By: Beerusgod. @BaoLeGePi
  11. Okay, the auction starts now, 2:00 Pm [GMT-5] And it ends in 2 days at the same time.
  12. Actually I do not have a fixed instantaneous price because of the issue that the market changed a lot. But, I could order 2.5m as Instant.
  13. I'm log on Silver. Thnks for ur purchase.
  14. WELCOME TO MY SHOP RULES 1. Most Pokemon have an Instant price and can be negotiable in Discord or inGame. 2. If you offered or purchased a Pokemon, you can not withdraw. / Think well before writing. 3. Any false purchase or false offer will be reportable. 4. All offers / purchases, are made through the forum and inGAME. 5. Prices for pokemon can vary as long as no one has offered or purchased. 6. If an auction were given, it would last 48 hours. Other methods of payment: = 300K. = 250K = 150K = 120K How can you contact? Discord: Chaosknight#9011 Names in the game: Chaosknigth - Bristelback
  15. Player name: Chaosknigth Showdown name: iMrHawkLegaCy Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 9
  16. And this is exactly what I asked a Staff last season that I was prohibited. Rule # 7 and # 5, they were not in detail, and because of my ignorance I was forbidden. In the February season, many of my members were banned for breaking rule # 5 now that I read this post. I appreciate the details of the rule, thus avoiding future prohibitions.
  17. With all due respect to all the players involved. I am one of the few that has not used Conkeldurr, Dragonite, Chansey, Bisharp, etc. Stop following fashions, try to be a little more original, those who will not agree with this thread, it is because they depend on Conkeldurr to win, whether or not they like my opinion. While it is true, Conkeldurr is easy to deal with respective predictions. But, at the same time, it has too much damage, amplitude of movements, and in most teams that have seen it, it is accompanied by +3 walls, in those, Rotom Wash and Ferrothorn. It is difficult to kill, because they cover it too well, and they look for a minimum of carelessness to attack. I think they should ban several Pokémon that are * broken * at the moment, Conkeldurr, Bisharp, Chansey, etc. This, due to the lack of Gen7 to counter the annoying and easy to countear, Conkeldurr. By the way, improve the goal, really, I'm very bored to see Conkeldurrs selling in trade for such high prices, Rotom W, or Ferrothorns. Always the same. I do not cry, I am always a top player and I am very easy with Conkeldurr. But, I think it's a Pokemon broken by now. BAN CONKELDURR, RIP META <3
  18. Ayuda por favor. Server Gold.
  19. I support this idea. Many of the players that we used to play in the first days of the season, we suffer many losses by zombie Dc, is more, still disconnected, but it is very rare. Given the days he was Off, and many more things.
  20. Player Name: Chaosknigth Showdown Name: iMrHawkLegaCy Server: Silver / Gold Rank on ladder: 18 on Silver / 10 on Gold
  21. I think that removing Pvp Items from Reward in Boss is wrong, I have many, but there are many new players that do not have them and the method defeating a boss is viable to get them. What about the 1/4000 .. the truth, I gave Reward shiny many times, and never came out 1 . It was too much that Reward I think. And to increase the difficulty and quantity of Bosses seems to me a wonderful idea, in turn, incorporating Egg's Pokemon. And maybe in the future, Mega stones like 3th reward.
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