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Everything posted by Hyoriittai

  1. C.O=250K by SuperHuy13 Min Raise=50K Duration= 48h after first bid Insta= 1m accept cc 400k acceot rare candies 7k accept akatsuki robe 800k IGN= Gcheik Discord= [Ò.Ó] GCheik #9416 O.O
  2. C.O= 250K by Martinovic17 Min Raise= 50k Duration= 2 days after first bid Insta= no insta ( because with new rules we cannot add after start offer ) IGN= Gcheik Discord= [Ò.Ó] GCheik #9416 O.O
  3. auction canceled, houndour sold O.O
  4. S.O= 200k Min raise= 50k Insta= late maybe Duration= 48h after first bid
  5. Auction canceled because the pokemon is sold (2m). Sorry for the inconvenience O.O
  6. S.O= 2,5m Min raise= 100k Insta price= 8m Duration= 72h ( after 1st bid ) Accept CC=350k IGN= Gcheik Discord= [Ò.Ó] GCheik #9416
  7. Salut, je souhaite intégrer votre guilde O.O -Gcheik -200h -30 ans -Nostalgique de pokemon, je suis aussi présent sur le discord de la communauté fr d'AOE2 et sur plusieurs discord d'échecs :) -J'ai battu les 4 ligues, j'ai vaincu sacha sur le mont argenté, j'ai battu mewtwo... -Un peu de tout -Je corresponds à vos critères de sélection ( même si je suis un énorme noob donc je laisserai ma place pour les compèts ) - [Ò.Ó] GCheik #9416 Voilà O.O
  8. Hi, i'am a noob player, i want to join a guild who have more 75+ members pour th experience :) O.O IG: Gcheik O.O
  9. Pispi13 has buy Abra, the auction are close. Thx for for participation, see you soon O.O
  10. The person not answering, I preferred to warn the participants that the sale was not yet made. I thought he was a troll but I was guaranteed he was honest so I will wait 24 hours and then the auction will continue O.O
  11. Pispi13 cannot be reached so the auction continues O.O
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