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Everything posted by Shirosage

  1. Damn that sounds cool bro can I join :)))
  2. Auction has officially ended and the winner is @Baganhacontact me via discord Shirosage#1174 or message me on forums to collect your prize ty and good luck!
  3. Raiders bro friendly guild come join
  4. Will be transferring to silver after the auction anyway, so both work.
  5. Bid noted ty^
  6. I think it would be best to let a trade mod handle the situation to confirm who is the winner
  7. Actually my start bid was at 7:35 (my time) which was the first bid of the auction and then you bid 550k, my second post was at 6:49 (my time) for 600k which was within the 24 hour time limit. Your second bid of 650k was at 7:48 (my time) which was 13 mins after the 24 hour period had ended
  8. Your bid was after the seller wrote the message 21 hours left, and the 21 hours were up, so I believe I am the winner. Since I bid before the 21 hours mark was over.
  9. 600k
  10. 48 hours started good luck
  11. S.O = 200k Min bid 100k Instant = None Duration/Time = 2 days (48 hours) from first bid Accepted Currency : Pokedollars IV RR = 750k Nature RR = 350k CC = 450k RC = 8k Focus Sash : 2.5k Discord : Shirosage#1174 (Will be auctioned in Gold trade chat as well) Good luck
  12. Start
  13. Offered leveling up service to MASRAFI007 he gave me some pokes that were locked for me, would like to return them to him. My user is Shirosage. (Pokemon were 2x Gligars, 1x Kelfki, 1x Empoleon and 1x Pupitar.
  14. So I asked bhimoso if I could borrow a pokemon for a gym, and he gave me a golem. Turns out it was from Hoen and its locked. So I need help to return his pokemon to him.
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