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Everything posted by Verankass

  1. BUMP, around 6hrs left
  2. S.O. = 50k Min. Raise = 50k No insta Starts after first bid 1day-auction Accept pokedollars only Timer: Work From Home – Countdown to 17 Sep 2022 15:54 in Manila (timeanddate.com)
  3. I am against the tradable part but I agree that there should be more ways to obtain it such as excavs which will encourage players to do daily excavations. +1
  4. .
  5. I experienced this many times already. Done reporting it but still no response too. Probably 2months already.
  6. .
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  7. Grass: Bulbasaur Fire: Cyndaquil Water: Mudkip
  8. At first I was glad they announced the chance rate of getting the form which is 1/300 (pretty good rate imo). But after trying to hunt for around 3 days, I noticed it's clearly rarer than Alolan-Exeggutor which made me upset. Idk they probably made it T9? Still I tried to hunt until the event ends. Sadly no luck even though I submitted that at form contest last year (Walross why not gib me chance rate boost) Also about this post, my stand on this is neutral. Means It's okay for me that they made it hard to get to boost the price since almost anyone want it so bad (especially troom users like me), but its also okay for me if they just made it much easier. I mean this is MMO anyway which means we need to grind (and also luck). So not -1, not +1 but maybe 0 :kek. My only suggestion is that, although some might say "Then wait for SW event" or "This is summer event not SW", I still hope they will make an extension or until summer event ends. Thanks, SW Alomaro POG
  9. buy drifloon and litwick
  10. Wow that's really nice. Beyond my expectation. It already solved the problem which is the important part. Now we won't waste minutes looking for possible spawns of two or maybe more pokes. Again, thanks for hearing my feedbacks/requests. I'll just wait for the release then. GL :SquirtleSquad:
  11. That really is cool. It's obvious that you really put a lot of work into this. Btw, what I said last time was like this (image below) after the input "^s metang, swirlix". Since common pokes like gastly and nidoran have so many spawns, I wondered if there's a single spawn/map/area with the two pokes together. Since the only way to know it is by checking all their spawn one by one which is time consuming. The image above is what I got using reborn. I did "^repel swirlix". It doesn't have the thing that I said too sadly.
  12. Woah that's a great news. It really came to my mind when I hunted common pokes. I'll look forward to it then. Thanks keep up the good work
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