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Everything posted by Yeetdoer

  1. It would be nice to have a discord channel, but it could also be a dedicated chat channel in game. I just want it to be easier to find groups haha.
  2. My suggestion, as mostly a solo player now (Friends all stopped playing) is to maybe make a new channel in the discord, or even a category that lets players LFG(look for group) in there for dungeons. In my experience, its taken on average, over an hour to find a group every time, I'm in a guild but there is just not enough people running dungeons. Currently, the only way to look for other players doing dungeons is to ask in all chat, which is constantly being typed in so your message gets lost, or stand by the entrance and wait for quite a while. The other solution is to join a guild, while there is no downside to joining guilds, it pushes a player into a joining a guild for JUST dungeons, which isn't really the point of guilds. So guilds will get filled up with players who aren't really taking advantage of all guilds have to offer. Having a channel in the PRO discord would not be hard to set up, and it would also let players, guild, or no guild, have a good place to focus on finding other players also trying to complete dungeons.
  3. Blue Wolf Mask Gold Wolf Mask Red Wolf Mask Oni Mask Blue Oni Mask Red Faceless Mask Black Angel Wings Ironman set Joker set Plague Doctor Set Both Vday ninetales mounts Xmas Stantler Mount Looking for offers at the moment. PM me on discord, Dvl#0001
  4. Looking for 31spd 30/31 spatk timid larvesta's. I have a decent budget. Add/pm me on discord Dvl#0001.
  5. My poke was bannette with mega item, fighting a poliwhirl who used hydrapump, i protected the first one, tried to disable it and it failed. For mimikyu, it didnt even get a move off, when i clicked on it to inspect it, under the ability tab it said "None".
  6. Title says it, have now lost 3 of my 12 day cooldown boss fights because of disable failing and my mimikyu simlpy not having its disguise ability anymore(The only reason i bought this poke). The crazy part is, theres no way to reset or prove it failed to get your cooldowns reset so I just wasted all that time. Something just needs to be done, about fighting bosses in general, cooldowns should not be 12 days especially due to mechanic breaking issue such as disable failing or my mimikyu with disguise literally have the "none" ability lol. Is there anyway to get my cooldowns on those bosses reset or did I waste my time even trying to do them.
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