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Everything posted by Tread

  1. 900k
  2. 1m
  3. I bid 5m5, a crisp high-five, and a movie date
  4. 3m
  5. 2m2
  6. 900k
  7. 5m8
  8. 5m6
  9. Interested in the following: Foongus (200k) - 57635208 Eevee (100k) - 53384388 Bagon (350k) - 68000365 Abra (350k) - 69157966 Larvesta (1.5M) - 8140390 Sneasel (200k) - 67179539 Riolu (200k) - 54214677 Napkin math total from list price is 2.9M, I'd do 2.8M (100k below list)
  10. I need evos and dex data for a lot of quests. 269 Owned Data (have most of Kanto, about 30-40% Johto, little for Hoenn/Sinnoh) 15 Evo Data (yikes) WTB Comprehensive Dex Service + Evo Service, I really just don't want to farm evolutions but filling up my dex would also be nice. beamic#0001 on Discord my DMs are enabled if you're in the PRO discord Sorry for posting here, buying pokemon category felt too broad for this niche service request.
  11. Looking for the complete story plus all quests, 2m. Discord: beamic#0001
  12. Offer 250k. EDIT: thought this was for silver, apologies
  13. Tread

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    Hey Raika, Yerk, and Friends! An old New Leaf member coming back to hang out and play PRO with some friends again Would ya let me back?
  14. Tread

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Tread 2. Number of hours played? 6 in my first day today, grinding up. Used to play tons of emus and still bring my GameBoy to class in college sometimes. 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Torchic, hands down. 4. How old are you? (Optional) 19
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