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Everything posted by Rhpositive

  1. Sassy 07 spatk - 300k Hasty - 300k Sassy 01 spatk - 200k Brave - 150k Sassy 29 spatk - 400k Timid - 200k Sassy 18 def - 500k If you want to buy any of these, PM me on discord - RhPositive#4036
  2. Noted. The auction will end on September 14th, 12.04 GMT +3
  3. C.O. 6.5m by @Pity Min raise 250k No insta Ends on September 14th, 12.04 GMT +3 I accept: Cc - 380k Rr - 700k
  4. @Godfrezyyou won the auction. Please add me on discord RhPositive#4036
  5. If you win and cant transfer to gold I will find a way to deliver the scyther.
  6. Auction started by 666g0d999 It will end on 19 April, 10.28 pm GMT +2
  7. Current offer : 5.25m by Godfrezy Min raise : 250k No insta It ends on 19 April, 10.28 pm GMT +2 i accept pokedollars and coin capsules (400k).
  8. Thanks for helping! I contacted the winner. Have a wonderful day!
  9. Sure, lets wait for a response.
  10. @Glaciate Hey, could you help? Imo the last bid was at 10.58 pm gmt+2 which means it wont count, right?
  11. Noted. The first bid was at 10:57pm GMT +2.
  12. 24 hours to go.
  13. 48 hours left.
  14. Auction will end in 72 hours.
  15. C.O. 1 1m by AraragiKun min raise - 100k auction time - 72 hours (after 1st bid) no insta i accept pokedollars and CC (400K each)
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