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About Ishanomg

  • Birthday 08/10/2006

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  1. Hey message me Ace_Ishan#8267 so we can choose a time
  2. Charmander 2 please
  3. S.O 25M C.O NONE INSTANT 30 MILLION AUCTION ENDS 5 DAYS AFTER START Accepted Payment : PokeDollars Only
  4. Please delete
  5. shiny zapdos prestige mount may i know the cost
  6. Ralts 500k Good luck
  7. 1 cc? i dont know if u will take since it is 45k raise
  8. ralts 255k. gl
  9. ralts 150k
  10. start ralts 50k
  11. I lent my team to meisterbork96 forgot to take a screen shot but anyways ^bump
  12. Welcome to my Boss Rental Pokémon Service! For Now I Only Lend Boss Teams Full Boss Team Price : 80K/24 Hours Or 50K/12 Hours 1. I'm NOT selling my Pokémon! 2. Items cannot be lent you will have to use your own 3. Pokémon can be rented for a maximum of 5 Days. 4. If you want to rent for a different time limit, I will give you an offer. The minimum offer is 20k, even if you need a Pokémon for 10 minutes. 5. When the game server crashes, all Pokémon will be returned. Contact me on discord, and I give it back for the remaining time. 6. GalaxyRacers guildmates can get discount of 10% and all the items will be provided by me. Where To Contact? : InGameName: IshanOMG Discord : Ace_Ishan#8267 Payments Methods : PokeDollars Boss Team
  13. Welcome to my Boss Rental Pokémon Service! For Now I Only Lend Boss Teams Full Boss Team Price : 80K/24 Hours Or 50K/12 Hours 1. I'm NOT selling my Pokémon! 2. Items cannot be lent you will have to use your own 3. Pokémon can be rented for a maximum of 5 Days. 4. If you want to rent for a different time limit, I will give you an offer. The minimum offer is 20k, even if you need a Pokémon for 10 minutes. 5. When the game server crashes, all Pokémon will be returned. Contact me on discord, and I give it back for the remaining time. 6. GalaxyRacers guildmates can get discount of 10% and all the items will be provided by me. Where To Contact? : InGameName: IshanOMG Discord : Ace_Ishan#8267 Payments Methods : PokeDollars Boss Team
  14. 1+ That’s a great Idea.
  15. Loving the art mate keep it up
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