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Everything posted by Xzynos

  1. Oh really. So u can win it any 3 times andu would get the Heracrosite
  2. U got to win the Bub Catching Contest 3 times in a row for Heracrossite. And how the heck do u not know that, u are THE BHIMOSO my dude.
  3. I have a query. I traded my Lvl 100 Gengar to a guy telling he wanted to use it for Kanto E4. He friended me so later we can trade it back. In between that I came to Hoenn. Now he is not in my friend list and I have no idea how I am going to get my Gengar back. Can Admins please help me...... This Pic was when my Gengar was Lvl98
  4. I got it bro. Xzynos is my username
  5. Yeah it started for me too
  6. It didn't start for me and Madhav in this thread. Where are u from djdip
  7. Which country are u from
  8. Did the game start for you Madhav. It didn't start for me
  9. Yes the same for me too. I can't login, it tells that failed to connect to server.
  10. Yo @Norex so when will the servers reopen for public use. I am kinda scared, cuz this like one of the only game I can play on my PC. So is it like even after updating the Client the server stays shut for some time. And @Norex how did u know the serer is down for Client update even now.
  11. Yo @Norex so when will the servers reopen for public use. I am kinda scared, cuz this like one of the only game I can play on my PC. So is it like even after updating the Client the server stays shut for some time. And @Norex how did u know the serer is down for Client update even now.
  12. DId u get the new Mega Evolution Update. The game was working fine, but after I got the New MEGA EVOLUTIONS UPDATE, I just couldn't login to the servers. What is your state? Can U login???
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