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  1. hello i caught diance in the event last year or the before year but its somehow missing in my pc could guys pls check on this even i tried to battle nikola to check if i accidently released it but i couldnt battle him as he says there no need for me to battle him Thanks in advance
  2. but nikola is not fighting i already tried it
  3. hi mods... the thing is i forgot whether i caught entei or not my pokedex has its caught data but its not in my box could u pls check what has happened... i even have the lava bell with me
  4. +1 good idea I would also be nice if these pokeballs have a higher catch rate when catching a villain boss's reward Pokemon Example, if James boss is giving inkay as a reward after 3 consecutive wins , then team rocket ball would have a higher catch rate on those pokemons... Thanks
  5. +1 very nice suggestion
  6. Hi... I would like to buy one nature reroll ticket for 325k and 25 rc for 175k... Pm me in game : Tharun2007 Thanks
  7. Hi.. Does anyone know where is Corsica island???? I saw it in the pokedex of wishiwashi.. Thanks in advance
  8. Do you still have that hawlucha to sell for 250k .... If it's there please pm me in game
  9. She told like this... Thanks
  10. Ok
  11. What is astrella
  12. Do you have any jagmo o to sell??? Thanks
  13. And she also told that she has given it to level service to one more guy named aarav7435..... His account is also suspended... Please help me... Thanks
  14. Hi.... I gave my slowpoke for level service to 1234567890sara a day back..... But it seems that her account got suspended.... So is there any way to get my slowpoke back... Thanks in advance
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