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About Astary

  • Birthday 01/26/1996

Personal Information

  • Career
    Computer Science
  • Occupation
    Computer Science

Astary's Achievements



  1. Youtube: https://prntscr.com/fkupxv Facebook: https://prntscr.com/fkuqbz NPC Name: Astary Dialogue: Ever looked up to a Staraptor? I would like my NPC to have a Staraptor as its strongest poke ><
  2. Have you ever written software before? It's really challenging to allow others into your code base especially when you have a lot of users (I consider this game to have a lot of users). The new person could completely butcher the project, sabotage it, or just introduce bugs. Even if they work out perfectly, it could take them a really long time to get up to speed. So the game dev would have to spend countless hours just ramping them up in order to get them to a point where they're productive. You have to really trust the person too. And in most cases, they'll expect to get paid. So it's not just as simple as letting others into the code. I do a lot of coding, yeah. What i am talking about is moves, items, etc. Things like that can be coded as separate classes or functions or whatever. Whoever was going to help would not need to have full access to the game code lol
  3. I wish PRO wasnt just a hobby tbh. We got almost zero meaningful updates its been a long time. A lot of abilities do not work, moves, items, etc. I got bored myself and i'm currently taking a break. I'm always checking forums though, hoping to see something. I wonder why Shane do not allow someone to help him to code the game. This game would be fantastic if things were actually working.
  4. Re: Volvie9x's Shop - Epic,good ivs 20+ pokemon ( update 10/10 sab h.a, riolu naive atk 28,spatk 31, gengar 31 28 ) <t>400k h.a. shroomish</t>
  5. Two things that has been happening with me: The weather indicator at top right of the battle window is not showing. If there is a weather i wont know until i get damage from it if it is sandstorm or hail. Weather effects that do not deal damage also do not say they are active. I'm talking about that message "Then sunlight is strong" or something like this. The same for rain, there is no "the rain continues" message. thanks.
  6. Defense: 25+ Speed: 15+ Sp. Atk: 15+ Sp. Def: 25+ HP: 25+ CALM Nature. NATURAL CURE Ability PM me. You wont get disappointed.
  7. Currently doing school stuff, not training for a while (still playing).
  8. Just reminding that i'm still training. Most of the time i talk to people in-game. :)
  9. I'll contact you soon, just finishing some pokes!
  10. Seems like our playing time isn't the same lol xD I just woke up.
  11. Hi, i tried to pm you but youre not online now. Make sure to pm me when you can :3
  12. Astary

    Effect %'s in pvp

    Hurt in confusion cant be 50%. Recently my poke got hurt 13 times in 14 opportunities!
  13. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [8/7/16] <t>Best place to train HP is, hands down, route 14 during night.</t>
  14. For the ones that pmed me, sorry for being offline. Got some problems downloading new version. I'm back online.
  15. Hello! I've been offering daycare service for some time already, and now i'm posting it here :3 Pokes i will not accept: Shuckle, Wynaut, Wobbuffet, Happiny/Chansey/Blissey. For Guildies: 25k / 50k
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