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Everything posted by Dimitrisarv

  1. Hello, yesterday I logged in after some days and decided to do some bosses. First was Pewdie and Diepie, then Neroli. When I was almost done with Pewdie and Diepie, connection lost appears. At that time I didn't think much of it, so I decided to move on. Then I try to do Neroli. same happens. And only then I found out it was something that is happening perpetually these days and there is a warning on discord about it, which given the fact I was away for some days, I couldn't have guessed. Of course I didn't proceed to do any more boss fights, and only reason I make a post about it is because I've seen several similar reports and complaints from the community members. I'm not asking you to reset my win streak or something, but please spare me the cooldown so that I don't have to wait for an unfair amount of time. I don't recall exact crash times, neither do I have a specific way to prove them, but I have screens of my bosses' cd which is I guess indicates the time of server crash. Thank you in advance
  2. Added 31/31 Jolly Weavile.
  3. Added naive 31/30 hp ice infernape.
  4. Yes, pm me in discord when you are ready to trade: Dimitrisarv#4138
  5. https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20210131T0743&p0=26&font=cursive Ends on 31 January 7:43 GMT+2.
  6. Prices reduced.
  7. Bump
  8. Added epic trick room untrained bisharp and shiny magicarp.
  9. Closed
  10. I will be online for the next couple of hours, please pm me on discord or in game if you are ready to pick up.
  11. 450k by Eifinai for Heracross
  12. Added sassy ferrothorn
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