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Everything posted by Yash005

  1. Thanks Can be closed now
  2. Congratulations @Toxicsoggyyou have won
  3. S.O 150k Minimum bid 25k Insta 1.5m Time: 30 hours after first bid Accepted Items IV Reroll 500k Coin Capsule 400k The Auction is in Gold Server if you wish to bid from silver state that you will transfer upon winning If bidding from alt id mention the name of the alt id
  4. Thanks Can be closed now
  5. @Jinzoooo sry the auction ended before you had bidded 150k The winner is @Toxicsoggy Pls contact me for so we can trade My discord is - akagami_shanks_3116
  6. 8 hrs left until end
  7. S.O 50k Minimum bid 50k Insta 1.5m Time: 24 hr after first bid Accepted items Coin capsule 400k IV Reroll 500k
  8. Congratulations @Vatevuoktliek you have won the dragonite can you tell me how to contact you
  9. 13 hours remaining
  10. Monotype tournament(z crystal) have been added in trainers valley Dungeons And new legendarys like sword of justice trio and meloetta And good to have you back in the game
  11. A suggestion that we can send guild invite to someone who is offline and when they come online they can see it their social box guild page that there is a invite from certain guild that wants to recruit them and they can accept or decline the request
  12. S.O - 500k Minimum bid - 50k Insta - 5m Duration - 72 Hours after first bid Accepted things IV Reroll - 500k each Nature reroll - 250k each Coin Capsule - 400k each Rare candy - 5k each Pokedollar Auction is in gold server If you are bidding from silver server state that you will transfer after you win If Bidding from alt I'd state name My discord - akagami_shanks_3116
  13. Sold, can be closed now
  14. If you want to make a offer on any Pokemon pls make here or on discord
  15. S.O - 1m Minimum Bid - 50k Insta - 4m Accepted things IV Reroll - 500k each Nature reroll - 250k each Coin Capsule - 400k each Rare candy - 5k each Pokedollar Auction Duration - 72 hours from start Auction is in silver server If Bidding from gold server state you will transfer on winning If Bidding from alt I'd state name
  16. Can be closed now
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