**Beldum & Shroomish Hunt Event – Double the Challenge!**
Trainers, it’s time to put your Pokémon-catching skills to the test! The Beldum & Shroomish Hunt Event is here, and only the best (and worst!) will be rewarded!
Event Duration: 15days ( starting from today)
Location: [Server Gold & Silver]
Objective: Catch the strongest (or weakest!) Beldum and Shroomish and rack up (or lose) points!
How to Earn Points Beldum, Shroomish:
- Best Nature → +10 Points [Beldum], 7 Points [Shroomish]
- Best Ability → +10 Points [Beldum], 7 Points [Shroomish]
- IV-Based Points (Total IVs, excluding Sp. Atk)
- Shiny → 30 Points [Beldum], 15 Points [Shroomish]
- 31 Speed IV Bonus → 10 Points
- 31 Attack IV Bonus → 7 Points
- Highest Points → 5 CC
- Second Highest Points → 3 CC
- Lowest Points (Worst Caught Beldum/Shroomish) → 2 CC (Nature must be correct to qualify!)
Komedi Server link - https://discord.gg/ruTw8t96
Think you have the best (or worst) luck? Don’t miss out on your chance to claim victory (or defeat)! Let the hunt begin!