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Everything posted by Ghoul1x

  1. Hello! is this shop still active? If it is i would like to buy this TY
  2. Hello Everyone Today I' selling these 5 h.a sharpedos for bosses! Even though they are not jolly or spd + nature, they do their job! 150k each or if you are interested we can negotiate price 720k for all 5
  3. hello! I want rash rotom ( 100k)
  4. aight no problem, then im only taking the slowpoke
  5. Hello! I want rash rotom (200k) and sassy h.a slowpoke (100k)
  6. changed my mind, sorry
  7. Hello Everyone I'm selling this epic swampert with moveset ready It is a pretty good rain sweeper! Price: 600k or offer ( price can be negociated) Accept: CC, RC,
  8. Hello Everyone I'm selling this bold 18+ all ivs togekiss I'm willing to trade it for a adamant mudkip with good ivs Price:1m Accept cc, rr, bms, ms, rc
  9. Hello, Is the h.a relaxed quagsire for 20k available ? if it is i would love to buy it. Thank You!
  10. Hello Everyone Im selling a 18+ all ivs Bold Togetic, a really good ivs and hp fire Florges and lastly a hp ground serperior All prices can be negotiated so if u got an offer post it Accept cc=400k RR= 750k RC=7k Togetic= 800k (Willing to negotiate) HP Fire Florges 500k HP Ground Serperior 680k
  11. Hello Everyone! This is going to be a 24/ 1 day auction S.O=400K MINIMUM= 100K Ends 11/3/2020 at 5:00 pm MTZ (Mountain Time Zone) Thank U
  12. Hello everyone, Im selling this impish scizor. It is a 2x31 in hp and def Accept CC and items like assault vest Offers only! Ty
  13. Changed my mind, sorry
  14. Hello Everyone Im selling this 24+ivs (Except def :c) Houndoom These is going to be a 24 hours Auction C.O 60k by Melih Minimum bid 20k Ends 5:20pm Mountain Daylight Time Edit: 23 hours left
  15. Hello Everyone, Im selling this houndoom 20+ ivs, timid and flash fire. Only offers Thank You!
  16. Hello, I accidentally released my relaxed larvitar. It was a relaxed nature and i think it had guts has his ability. It had 20+ ivs except attack. Here is a picture of the id. This happened in silver server. Thank You!
  17. Good Morning Everyone, I accidentally deleted my relaxed larvitar. It had almost all 20+ ivs except attack. It was relaxed nature and I think it had guts has his ability. Here is a picture of the ID. I hope you guys can help me out! Thank You!
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