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Everything posted by Ahmadsabar12345

  1. @Eon can you also help with this thread
  2. hey i havent got any notice here..im on gold please shoot a dm
  3. ill take the treecko please @Acri
  4. Oh , ok. I just wanted to know if it was possible. I don't have any further questions , Thank you.
  5. I want to change my name , and I have the necessary coins. The issue is that the name I want has been taken 7 years ago , but has 0 hours playtime. Is it possible for me to change my name to that one ?
  6. Player Name - Ahmadsabar12345 Server - Silver Timezone (in GMT) - GMT + 4
  7. S horsea 225k , if available in silver
  8. Hello Sorry for the late reply Redownloading the game worked. Thanks for your help
  9. Hello I started a new PRO account in android , and after logging in the 1st thing is that oak tells to create an avatar . After I create it and press ok , I start the game without any change . No hair or anything . Well , I continued my story anyway and everytime when I try to login , oak tells to create the character again and there still won't be any change. I have sent screenshots below as proof. Also , the IGN of my new account is Ahmad126 , and I couldn't log in forums with that account Hope you resolve this problem , Thank you
  10. 1. Ahmadsabar12245 2.147 hrs 3.greninja 4.India 5.18 6.silver I hope I get to join this guild
  11. 1. Ahmadsabar12345 2. 136 hrs 3. Greninja 4. I'd rather not say that : )
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