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Williamcuong67's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. What is your IGN? williamcuong67 What is your Discord? williamcuong67#5598 How old are you? 28 How many hours do you have? 7417h How much of a interest do you have in PvP on a scale of 1-10 (1 being very weak, 10 being very strong)? 5 Do you know the difference between IV's and EV's (Just a Yes or No)? yes Do you know Pokemon Showdown? If yes, What is your IGN on Showdown? no sorry Which Pokemon is your favorite in general(Could be for design, stats, whatever reason :] )? I like Gardevoir, Loppuny. Love the art and moveset Which Pokemon is your favorite for PvP? my favorite pvp pokemon is Mega Charizard Y and Metagross
  2. I talk to every NPC in breezy town and breezy path. But i cant find infor about 4th Smuggler to continue my quest.
  3. when can we meet?
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