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Everything posted by Boobik

  1. Looking for this poke duskull/dusclops ( defense nature ) klefki Prankster cottone or evo Prankster eevee /umbreon mimikyu All shiny <
  2. Looking for this poke ^^ duskull/dusclops ( defense nature ) klefki Prankster cottone or evo Prankster eevee /umbreon mimikyu all shiny <
  3. Insta: 2m Accept : cc-400k,iv rr-660k, nat rr- 330k
  4. hello i want sell my pvp poke swampert 1m mimikyu 1.2m excadrill 1m arcanaine jolly 600k arcanaine ada 800k altaria 700k tangerowth hp ground 800k dusclops 700k gyarados 800k umbreon 3m clamperl 350k if you want buy something write me here in forum msg in game : Boobik accept cc 400k and cash $ thank you all ^^
  5. Add new poke looking for Shiny gligar/gliscor
  6. Add new poke looking for gligar/gliscor Shiny
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