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  1. Start Price:2m End Point: 48 hrs after first bid Insta:6m Min. Raise:200k Accepted Payment(s):pokedollars, cc(360k), iv rr (550k)
  2. bump 15 min left
  3. ^
  4. auction started 48 hours left
  5. c.o = 500k min bid = 50k insta = 2.5m time = Create a Countdown Clock (countingdownto.com)(15 min rule applies) accepted payments = pokedollars, iv rr(550k) , cc (350k)
  6. trade completed, close pls
  7. auction ended @Suncity when can we meet?
  8. 2 hours more till end
  9. bump , 23 hours left
  10. noted, roughly 47hrs left
  11. rules : roughly 2 hours till end Create a Countdown Clock (countingdownto.com) no fake offering accepted payment is pokedollars only c.o = 350k by Suncity min bid = 50k insta = 1.5m
  12. @PisForPenguinnever realised that thanks fr the info.This thread can be closed now
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