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Everything posted by Chozg

  1. bump
  2. closed
  3. sold to bobsalt, can be closed
  4. Price is 1m CC=400k RR not accepted
  5. I'm online, ign is Chozg
  6. 4.2m
  7. 3.8m
  8. 3.4m
  9. 3m
  10. start
  11. 1m
  12. What is your IGN?- Chozg How old are you?- 23 Discord ID- Chozg#5501 What is your highest rating achieved in the last 3 seasons? - Returning player so no previous ratings, currently not doing standard pvp but playing random ranked, currently as of this comment I'm #9 on the random ladder with a rating of 245, plan to play pvp ranked in the upcoming future but still preparing teams
  13. closed
  14. start
  15. closed
  16. Auction ended, winner is Imtherules for 3.4m, can be closed
  17. Auctioning my xmas eevee. Auction begins at first offer, will end in 48 hours after first offer. Starting Price: 2m Min Bid: 200k CC=400k RR not accepted Insta = 5m
  18. x
  19. bump
  20. closed
  21. I'll start by saying obviously the server crashes throughout the event were unfortunate and probably caused by recklessly adding way too much code at once, but thats aside the point. The thing I'd really like be considered going forward is that things like this could happen again, and quests such as the one where you escort the nidoqueen to the drifblim were nearly impossible due to all the lag and crashing at points. I don't mind events having quests with tasks, but stuff like stealth / escort quests should absolutely never be considered again in an event quest thats time sensitive. Something that shouldve taken me 5-10 minutes at most took me like 3-4 hours because of the lag and crashing interfering and resetting the quest on me.
  22. Doesn't let me add/message you with that discord tag, did you make a typo? Add me, Xem#8787
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