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  1. wtb magnezone dm discord
  2. link poke ty
  3. Hey, interested in ur Infernape & Breloom Ingame: Inp
  4. wtb 400k rotom dm ing: Inp EDIT: Sorry wrong shop
  5. Hello I don't know why but i just stepped into the bell tower agian and talked to scientists rey again and now its working? Dont know why but thank you
  6. @Epithet this ^^
  7. !bump
  8. Thank you very much!
  9. Hell @Epithet i noticed, that i now have the registered data for Raikou Thanks! However, Scientists Rey still asks me to obtain seen Data of the Beasts (i have all three seen now). So he won't let me choose a bell
  10. Hello @Epithet to be honest i don't remember the exact date. Must be around the 28.02.21 because then i did the mew quest and beat Jackson and Black Belt Trainer in Mt. Silver) I encountered Raikou at Mt. Silver 3F to get its seen Data. It worked for the other two lengendary beasts at their locations. But it did not register Raikou. And i did make the Legendary Beasts flee, otherwise i would not have been able to see & register the other two in my Dex Got the data but i am not able to get the bell "because i have not registered them in dex"
  11. Hello, I was just going to start the legendary beasts quest. As you know it requires all of them as "seen" in my dex. I already saw Raikou (Defeted Jackson & Blackbelt) but it did not register in my Dex. Also, it does not appear anymore at Mt. Silver. I already have the seen Data of the other Poke, ING: inp Server: Gold Apperiate your support & help.
  12. He cant move it from his pc. We just tried and it still states "you can't move region locked pokemon"
  13. Hello Yesterday i traded my Machoke with a friend to evolve it into Machamp. We are both pretty new and didn´t about the region lock. I caught the Poke in Jotho and he is still in Kanto so we cant trade back. Would appreciacte help to transfer it back to my account! Here a foto my friend made so that we can show you he has the Poke: Server: Gold My ING: Inp My friends ING: Starrrk ID and description of Pokemon: Machoke 43919139 Edit: He cant move it from his pc. We just tried and it still states "you can't move region locked pokemon"
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