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Everything posted by Alainskywalker7

  1. Closed
  2. Hello, I kinda don't know what kind of bug this is but My dress Hawaiian clothes light blue is gone from my inv I nor trashed it away neither I traded it I just switched to other dress and it vanished Help?
  3. Hello, I want to sell latios mount - 180k , houndoom mount - 180k , hw rapidash mount - 380k and a reroll ticket - 780k Can negotiate.
  4. Hi, I would love to buy a charizard Mount contact me if you are willing to sell.
  5. Hi, I would love to buy a Mega charizard X Mount contact me if you are willing to sell.
  6. Hey i wanna buy u still selling
  7. I wanna buy blue autumn clothes and blue colour sunglasses paying 90k each ^^
  8. +1 I hope this problem could be solved as soon as possible.
  9. Player Name: AlainSkyWalker7 Server: Gold Timezone(In India) : +5:30 GMT
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