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Everything posted by Takenwasblank

  1. Auction ended. Dradon89 won with a bid of 2m.
  2. Bump 6 hours left
  3. you need to show pictures of the offers
  4. Start Lycanroc
  5. Noted. Auction has started.
  6. S.O 2m - Insta 6m Min bid 200k Auction ends 48 hours after first bid --- 14.08.21 17:05 utc+1 C.O Accepted payment; Poke$ rr 700k nature rr 350k cc 350k mb 40k rc 7k I am on Silver server but will transfer to Gold if needed.
  7. Haven't been able to contact the winner. Can you force the trade?
  8. Tyranitar 1m7 - Sold Rotom-wash 1m7 Salamance offer Ludicolo offer Gengar 1m Slowbro offer
  9. Auction ended @Zael won with a bid of 400k
  10. 20m Accepted payment; Poke$ rr 700k nature rr 350k mb 40k rc 7k
  11. 2001win started auction on pokemon number 5
  12. Pokemon 5 have SO 300k and min bid 50k. Accepted payments; Poke dollar. RR 700k Nature rr 350k CC 350k MB 40k RC 7k Auction on pokemon 5 will end; 08.10 13:36 utc +1
  13. @NatsuLP1 pm me when you get on =)
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