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Everything posted by Takenwasblank

  1. Auction is over. Natsulp1 won the auction with a bid of 250k.
  2. What can i expect to get from these?
  3. SO 100k. Min bid 50k No insta. Auction ends 24 hours after first bid. Accepted payments; Pokedollars cc = 350k rr = 750k Rare candy = 7k Master Ball = 40k
  4. Picked it up. Thank you.
  5. 1m7
  6. 1m Do you only take pokedollars or other payments? Please specify in your post
  7. @Eon Whats going on here? Fake auction?
  8. Are you gonna auction it or what?
  9. 1.2m
  10. it ends at 08:43 PM unless a bid was made in the last 5 minutes I believe
  11. What's your Player name (IGN)? Takenwasblank Number of hours played? 92 hours What's your favourite Pokemon? Bulbasaur What country are you from? Norway How old are you? 22 Which server do you play on? Silver
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