I looooove PRO!! I think this game is sooooo good, I think my favorite part of the game is hunting in it, and honestly I don't see why we don't have outbreaks all the time! And I'm not talking about NEW pokemon per se, I'd be happy even if sometimes the outbreaks (or even most of the time, whatever that's fine!) were basic pokemon just in a new spot for 24 hours like Cleffa outbreak in say route 31 or something one day! That would be great, and this is a side suggestion but why not have outbreaks during events? I would just decide to do the event or to do the outbreak some! More options is fun!
Also, I don't know the process for starting/stopping an outbreak on your guys' side! It could be that you have to actually change the code in some way, like if you don't have a command to start/stop an outbreak, meaning that to have an outbreak you have to go into the game's code and change it, and I can see how that might be tedious to do regularly! Or maybe there is a command to start/stop it! In either case, could you guys recruit someone to literally only handle outbreaks? You could just give a light rubric to that recruit telling them what they can/can't do (e.g. which pokemon shouldn't be done, what times of the day to start/stop it, etc). Again, I don't know the process for doing outbreaks so I don't know how realistic my suggestion is because I don't know how difficult it is for you guys to do in the first place...
I just want more outbreaks, they are fun and my favorite part of PRO is hunting I remember pretty regularly how there are LONG periods of no outbreaks... and it's so exciting to see when there is an outbreak, why not have them regularly?