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Everything posted by Alexitof

  1. You won the ferroseed auction
  2. Ferro auction has ended. Volcarona bid is valid
  3. bump
  4. Auction started. Ends 17/4/23 4:41 pm gmt+3.
  5. For each pokemon Starting offer : 10k Minimum bid : 1k no insta Accepted payment Pokedollars Small MS = 180k CC = 350k Reroll ticket = 650k Auction ends 48h after first bid
  6. +1 plus spring brush and task master hank quests in Breezy town
  7. Auction is over. @Xaizen is the winner. Please contact me to complete the trade.
  8. bump
  9. Auction started. Ends 30/3/23 11:37pm gmt+3
  10. bump
  11. Bump
  12. bump
  13. bump
  14. bump
  15. 15min have past, i guess i won shroomish
  16. 720k shroomish
  17. 670k shroomish
  18. 620k shroomish
  19. 580k shroomish
  20. 550k shroomish
  21. 500k shroomish
  22. 470k shroomish
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