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Everything posted by Alexitof

  1. 420k shroomish
  2. 380k shroomish
  3. 310k shroomish
  4. 280k shroomish
  5. bump
  6. For both pokemon (bids are for both poke and the winner gets both) Starting offer : 200k Minimum bid : 20k no insta Accepted payment Pokedollars Small MS = 180k CC = 350k Reroll ticket = 650k Auction ends 48h after first bid https://countingdownto.com/?c=4650427
  7. beldum ended
  8. No, once an offer is placed you can't take it back. But there is a new offer now so it's all good.
  9. Marowak started
  10. Beldum started.
  11. For each pokemon Starting offer : 50k Minimum bid : 1k no insta Accepted payment Pokedollars Small MS = 180k CC = 350k Reroll ticket = 650k Auction ends 48h after first bid Beldum SOLD Marowak sold Ferrothorn/Rotom/Hawlucha sold
  12. Auction started. Ends at 17/2/23 03:15pm gmt+2.
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