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About Mysticwind

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Community Answers

  1. RNG stands for Random Number Generator. It is a computational algorithm used in the gaming industry to generate random and unpredictable numbers that determine various events and outcomes in games.
  2. It is a bug catching reward so no OT/quest needed, just getting 3 Bug Catching Contest completed
  3. Bump, please I'm not waiting until summer to remove a form.
  4. Maybe I'm wrong but Eaty speak about EXP boost during Valentine event 2024 and say it will not be every events. +There was a lot of new players saying it was too easy for the game during event season and asked for an option to remove it to EXP like normal during events. About the Valentine delay even if I agree it's annoying but compared to the previous year (Summer event 2023) we got some updates about delay while in summer 2023 we didnt and delayed a lot. MS pokemon is annoying for some pokemon yes (Larvesta/Aegislash etc..) but if you want to support game and get access to early pokemon in game that you like it's fine, a lot of pokemon have a non-ms spawn in game.
  5. As the title say, add a NPC who can remove your event sprite, I got Latios Victorious chroma but cant use it due to having summer Latios form Thanks in advance!
  6. No time given for maintenance, you should stay active in discord announcement.
  7. - Fixed a bug where players got stuck if they logged out during a battle after leveling up but before the move learn window appeared. In (tomorrow) client.
  8. You have to do Nikola boss to get the opportunity to catch it, more informations there: https://wiki.pokemonrevolution.net/index.php?title=Nikola_(boss)
  9. Just feel like it should be same rarity but until fishing is not correctly coded with the plan, should just be by surfing
  10. The PvE Coin Masters will offer 5 Pokémon to the player each week, out of a total of 26 Pokémon. The Pokémon are rotated once per week, and they're presumably shiny-locked You have to wait for Rotom, it is in PvE coins shop, here is list:
  11. I can hear someone missing High Jump Kick with M-Lopunny/Medicham +1 tho will be cool
  12. Good luck with your guild once again! Hope to see you in guild ladder if you play PvP back!
  13. Hello, first thanks for your work as PvP council! I will give my opinion about Kyurem in the current meta while it have some counter like Mega Medicham/Lopunny and many, I think it is not healthy for your meta right now. -First of all : Freeze Dry, I dont think in your current meta it is good. Will use this examole for the future, while Azumarill was a "counter" (if you dont miss Play Rough) it is not anymore possible due to this move but like you mentionned the non item information can be crucial even If HDB is not in game currently you cant know the set of Kyurem in the game (SubRoost or Specs) -Hail Def boost in the game, it is something more broken with the SubRolst set, just sub in front of a stall pokemon how cant break your sub, Pressure it ans you can change the whole game with. I personally do not believe that kyurem is particularly broken or bannable at the moment but need to be in wanted list until more pokemon is added.
  14. Erika boss loc missed but still correct for abandonned pokemon+TM
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