I'm myself the first to say Economy is dead until Astrella and many years sadly but tbh can we hate the economy when there is 2 different type of players? When I compare the price of some players (5m start for a Blacephalon, no hate if the player read this but it is not worth)
Like I said it will need new pokemon release for the economy to comeback, even rare items (which is coming with PvP Chest update)
Guilds saying there is a style to play and abuse it is not a problem, If you check guild ladder there is only 2 active Silver guilds, other are just playing for fun or to get the potential rewards (PvP coins) specially you can easily bring a anti-stall meta and some pokemon which counter other playstyle, in case you guys dont know you will still lose to a pokemon in the meta but if you play good you can win against any players in the game, I know it's frustating to play versus a 130 ratings guy when you are around 300 but it is like this since many years even Showdown have the same issue as High ladder (1800 playing vs 1570) everyone lose motivation towards pokemon in the past 6 years.
Bosses reward is bad yes, I dont want to fight a boss for berries but a good way to make money when you have free time during the week. But when you can do BCC every day and getting a Timid Larvesta/Cutiefly which sell for a big amount of money and 25k for first place, Idt money is the biggest issue of the game right now, a lot of quests requirement is just a boss team or easy pokemon like Gengar/Beedrill mega (dungeon/many quest to unlock new things)