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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hi pick now?
  2. 300k for the 3? Fair price for a new noob girl who is short on money
  3. Wtb Pawniard lvl 41 HP water Drifloom hp steel Ghastly 31/31 150k
  4. 150k lapras
  5. Alo Marowak S.O 400k Raise 50k 48 hrs bid best of luck
  6. Start Drilbur 5
  7. 48 hrs Auction Start from first bid. Starting offer 350k min raise 50k Insta 1m
  8. S.O 500k Min raise 100k Time : 24 hours after first offer If someone bids last 5 min add 5 min Insta 1.4m
  9. Can we pretend I am that guy?
  10. Auction. SO 500k Min raise 100k Auction Time 72 hrs from first bid. Insta 2.4m
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