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Everything posted by Amory94

  1. alomola 300k
  2. alright i`ll add you No sry.
  3. I cancel scizor auction. Only cloyster to go
  4. ratedbeast won bisharp for 1.2m PM here, IG or discord noaue#4783
  5. already pm on disc
  6. Bisharp auction will end in about 7 hours. Up
  7. Tittle Buying hp Fire H.A modest venussaur high budget max speed epic medicham jolly guts heracross epic epic sassy ferrothorn epic adamant sand rush excadrill pm me here or ingame noaue2020
  8. Noted, auction will end 48 hours from now if no other offer
  9. Cloyster hp fire S/O 1.5m Min raise 150k insta buy 5m Auction ends 72 hours after first bid or if insta buy is reached Bisharp S/O 1m Min raise 100k insta Buy 1.8m Auction ends 48 hours after first bid or if insta Buy is reached
  10. 500k start
  11. 2.4M
  12. 2.2M
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