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  1. Yes i've played all NDSgen and some of GBA but they are separated from PRO cause they are Role-playing game (champion experience for all the players in your own way) but PRO is a MMO game, a community game with many players so they put that feature in like a game mechanic for you to use it. IMO its a pretty balance feature
  2. 1809
  3. Thats basically how base exp. of each pokemon data work bruh Logical explain for u in case u keep crying about grinding your pokemon: Evolved > More power = required more exp. gain to levelup No-evolved > Less powerful = required less exp. gain to levelup Its all make sense.
  4. I am wondering why the appeals take ages to solve or respond to the members And, why there is no warning about player-behaviour before completely banned them, like a warning record for each member I used to work as a staff on GTA:SA Roleplay community server (~1k players) back then. I always go easy on the punishment for some first warnings, to warn players about the ban if continue to do so and help/guide them not losing their effort on playing the game. To show the community that, the bad can also be guided in a good way.
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