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About Bigmr

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. i need kanto johto hoenn please.
  2. Exactly what the title says, id like to be buy lvl up service for vullaby, drillbur, hippo and ev+lvl service for clefairy all to lvl 95. thank you.
  3. discord add sent. lf service for 4 mons. ev and levels.
  4. i would like to be considered for the guild please, i am new twith only 40 hrs but i play daily few hours at least inbetween irl worl. i am over 30 , relaxed and easy to talk to. i would like to learn pvp and and currently saving in game gold to help towards my first team. i am active on discord and like voice chatting. here is my trainer card.
  5. Hello, i would like to join a guild to find a good community of people i can add to and that are active. i am new to pro with only 40k hours but i plan on pvping and have already started buying pvp mons as i finish the story. i am over 30 so just looking to relax somewhere out of the ALL chat aha. thank you. Here is a picture of my trainer card which i see people doing on these recruitment threads.
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