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Everything posted by Henrypart2

  1. starting offer :1k no min bid no insta accepted payments (cash,cc) auction ends 3days after starting bid (72h) every bid in the last 15 minutes of the auction adds 15 mins to the timer
  2. 6m +69k was my budget sad nice auction guys .and good luck
  3. come fushia
  4. @Stu91 you won clefairy 1 @Pokerface1984 you won clefairy 2 contact me ingame
  5. clef2 pokerface1984 with 250k
  6. clef 1 stu91 with 500k
  7. clef1 scrogotestyle 450k
  8. Cankaracam1 400k for clef 1 // Cankaracam1 200k for clef 2
  9. clef 1 S.O 400k min bid 50k ends 5h after start accepted payment : cash clef 2 S.O 200k min bid 50k ends 5h after start accepted payment : cash LAST 15 MINS BIDS WILL ADD 15 MINS TO THE AUCION
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